At G.J. Ford Bookshop, our pledge is simple: to treat every customer with respect, care, and individual attention. With over 50 years of combined experience in the book business, our dedicated staff is here to help readers of all ages and interests feel welcome. Whether you’re seeking personalized recommendations, placing a special order, or searching for an out-of-print treasure, we are ready to provide the support you need.
We are proud to offer a 15% discount on selected books for local book clubs, fostering a love of reading and discussion within our community. Additionally, we partner with the Literary Guild of St. Simons Island to host engaging author events at the historic Casino Building in the Village, bringing readers and writers together to celebrate storytelling.
At G.J. Ford Bookshop, we’re more than a bookstore—we’re a place where connections are made, stories are shared, and readers are always at home..
Since 1995, G.J. Ford Bookshop has been a beloved part of The Golden Isles. Owner Amanda Kirkland is dedicated to the importance of maintaining a physical bookstore as a gathering place for our community. Here, people come together to share their love of books, enjoy author events, and benefit from our extensive knowledge of both timeless classics and the latest bestsellers.
Visitors often tell us, “You’re the first place we visit when we come for our vacation. We rely on you to stock us up with recommended reading.” This heartfelt feedback fuels our commitment to providing a personal and meaningful book-buying experience.
In a world of e-readers and online shopping, the joy of holding a real book and receiving personalized recommendations remains as special as ever. That’s why we’re dedicated to serving our customers and fostering a love of reading for years to come. Visit us and discover the difference of G.J. Ford Bookshop – where stories come to life.4o